Noah Liebman

  • UX
  • audio
  • data
  • code

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Who am I?

Photo of me playing saxophoneI’m Noah. I work as a design technologist at Shure, where I design and prototype software for managing microphones. UX, prototyping, and front-of-the-front-end development, especially for audio and data visualization, are my thing.

I received a Ph.D. from Northwestern University’s Technology and Social Behavior program where I worked with the CollabLab and Interactive Audio Lab. Before that, I got my Master’s in HCI and Bachelor’s in electrical engineering (signal processing and communications systems), both from the University of Michigan. My work now is the culmination of growing up in my dad’s recording studio, then studying engineering and HCI.

When not working, I’ve been known to nerd out about music, tech, Judaism, design, theater, severe weather, space, punctuation, and bad puns. I play sax and guitar in a garage band, practice yoga less frequently than I should, enjoy doing live audio, and can usually be seen interacting with one or more Apple products.