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    1. Was talking to a cousin about her other grandmother. She’s a pretty badass lady. Like, she went to Iran as a tourist in her 90s, broke a rib, and kept on trekking. But this is what gave me the chills:
  1. …in reply to @Noleli
    The grandmother was born in Berlin, grew up in Prague, and left when the Nazis kicked them out. She voted Republican her whole voter-eligible life. But when Trump was elected, at the age of 92, she said, “I’ve seen this before,” sold her house, and moved to London.
    1. …in reply to @Noleli
      She’s no snowflake — not by a long shot — and this is what she sees. This is what her life experience is telling her. Trump is a populist authoritarian, and #NeverAgainIsNow