Noleli’s avatarNoleli’s Twitter Archive—№ 27,740

  1. …in reply to @20korg
    20korg I’ve been listening to the Apollo missions and thinking about how the sound of NASA/mission control is so unique. The chirps between transmissions, the GO and “roger” lingo, the frequency response of the headset mics, etc. Not sure if there’s a whole ep there, but I’d love it!
    1. …in reply to @Noleli
      20korg Doing a little reading…part of that story is procedure words, or prowords. The transition from Morse to voice brought a lot of Morse procedure with it. The nature and clarity of the audio also had an effect, i’m sure
      1. …in reply to @Noleli
        20korg And then there’s the surprisingly interesting story of the development of the NATO phonetic alphabet (alpha, bravo, charlie…). Lots of research into how phonemes are impacted by noisy channels and different accents. Ok, I’m done :)