allspiritseve Read about respectability politics and see this cartoon. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respectability_politics And pay attention to who is protesting vs rioting. Who killed people in Kenosha? Very often (though not always), white right-wingers agitate to make the left look violent c0nc0rdance/1299339878258311168
allspiritseve You’re wading into a long debate within the Black community on how to best approach these issues, best personified as MLK vs Malcolm X (see amazon.com/Sword-Shield-Revolutionary-Malcolm-Martin/dp/154161786X). But you seem to be falling into the trap MLK warned about Ryan_B_Anderson/1299397669765304321
allspiritseve The speaker you posted clearly has an opinion on that intra-Black debate. It’s an opinion that comforts many white people, and was hand-picked by the right-wing media aggregator you quoted because of that. But don’t value an absence of tension to the presence of justice.