Noleli’s avatarNoleli’s Twitter Archive—№ 30,109

    1. I have heard from multiple friends that they were turned away from Walgreens drive-through covid testing because they didn’t have cars. They tried to do it on foot or bike. This is a HUGE access issue.
  1. …in reply to @Noleli
    Walgreens The risk to the pharmacist is no different with or without a car because they hand a swab kit through a two-sided drawer. There’s no reason to turn carless people away.
    1. …in reply to @Noleli
      Walgreens One pharmacist even suggested that a friend hail a car. Why would anyone in their right mind suggest someone worried about having an airborne virus get in a car with a stranger‽ Lots of people live in urban ares and don’t get around by car. Do better, Walgreens.